High Speed Roll Feeder For Punch Presses
High Speed Roll Feeder For Punch Presses

Automatic metal coil high-speed roller feeder for shielding cover stamping punch presses production line


1. Single-direction feeding transmission mechanism

Made of super-hard alloy, the clutch shaft bearing can Operate with roller bearingfeaturing abrasion resistance, excellent stability, high precision, and long operation life

Heat-treated(HRC 60), gear is precisely ground, featuring high driving accuracy

2. Roller

Hollow-core type, the roller is lightweight, featuring little reverse rate and can bestopped at any time, assuring feeding accuracy

Being heat-treated ( HRC 60), hard-chrome-plated and ground, the roller features

high rigidty ,excellent abrasion resistnce, low wear, and long operatinig lite

3. Disc Brake

Brake plays an important part conceming feeding accurany, specially during high-speed feeding. Roller reversing inertia needs to be eliminated completely, Featuringligh precision, easy maintenance, installation and dismantling, adisc brake can solve all these problems

Model Roll Width Feed Length Material line height Material line height Capacity of press DIMENSION mm Weight
RFS-105NS 100 50 0-1.6 55-100 5-20 537 247 250 292 200 95 295 120 64
RFS-205NS 200 50 0-1.6 55-100 20 637 347 270 342 220 125 345 120 87
RFS-305NS 300 50 0-1.6 55-100 40 737 447 270 392 220 125 345 120 103
RFS-405NS 400 50 0-1.6 55-100 60 837 547 270 442 220 125 345 120 121
RFS-505NS 500 50 0-1.6 55-100 80 937 647 270 492 220 125 345 120 141
RFS-605NS 600 50 0-1.6 55-100 110 1037 747 270 542 220 125 345 120 161
RFS-705NS 700 50 0-1.6 55-100 110 1137 847 270 592 220 125 345 120 181
RFS-805NS 800 50 0-1.6 55-100 110 1237 947 270 642 220 125 345 120 201
RFS-138NS 130 80 0-1.6 60-120 10-60 535 275 310 276 200 95 295 185 76
RFS-188NS 180 80 0-1.6 60-120 20-60 605 345 310 311 200 380 325 185 84
RFS-1510NS 150 100 0-3.5 70-140 40-60 618 308 410 349 272 380 632 241 142
RFS-2010S 200 100 0-3.5 70-140 40-80 688 378 410 384 272 380 632 241 155
RFS-3010NS 300 100 0-3.5 70-140 60-160 788 478 410 434 272 380 632 241 182
RFS-4010NS 400 100 0-3.5 70-140 80-260 888 578 410 484 272 380 632 241 200
RFS-5010NS 500 100 0-3.5 70-140 110-260 988 678 410 534 272 380 632 241 220
RFS-6010NS 600 100 0-3.5 70-140 160-260 1088 778 410 584 272 380 632 241 240
RFS-7010NS 700 100 0-3.5 70-140 160-260 1188 878 410 634 272 380 632 241 260
RFS-1515NS 150 150 0-3.5 70-140 40-60 618 308 410 349 272 380 632 241 143
RFS-2015NS 200 150 0-3.5 70-140 40-80 688 378 410 384 272 380 632 241 156
RFS-3015NS 300 150 0-3.5 70-140 60-160 788 478 410 434 272 380 632 241 181
RFS-4015NS 400 150 0-3.5 70-140 80-260 888 578 410 484 272 380 632 241 201
RFS-5015NS 500 150 0-3.5 70-140 110-260 988 678 410 534 272 380 632 241 221
RFS-6015NS 600 150 0-3.5 70-140 160-260 1088 778 410 584 272 380 632 241 241
RFS-7015NS 700 150 0-3.5 70-140 40-60 1188 878 430 634 272 380 632 241 261
RFS-1320NS 130 200 0-3.5 70-140 40-80 618 308 430 349 272 380 632 256 146
RFS-2020NS 200 200 0-3.5 70-140 60-160 688 378 430 384 272 380 632 256 159
RFS-3020NS 300 200 0-3.5 70-140 80-260 788 478 430 434 272 380 632 256 184
RFS-4020NS 400 200 0-3.5 70-140 1110-260 888 578 430 484 272 380 632 256 204
RFS-5020NS 500 200 0-3.5 70-140 160-260 988 678 430 534 272 380 632 256 224
RFS-6020NS 600 200 0-3.5 70-140 160-260 1088 778 430 584 272 380 632 256 244
RFS-7020NS 700 200 0-3.5 70-140 60-160 1188 878 430 634 272 380 632 256 264
RFS-2030NS 200 300 0-3.5 100-190 80-200 720 410 480 485 317 380 677 298 223
RFS-3030NS 300 300 0-3.5 100-190 80-200 820 510 480 535 317 380 677 298 251
RFS-4030NS 400 300 0-3.5 100-190 110-260 920 610 480 585 317 380 677 298 279
RFS-5030NS 500 300 0-3.5 100-190 110-261 1020 710 480 635 317 380 677 298 307
RFS-6030NS 600 300 0-3.5 100-190 110-262 1120 810 480 685 317 380 677 298 335
RFS-7030NS 700 300 0-3.5 100-190 110-263 1220 910 480 735 317 380 677 298 363